I must say, working in downtown Colorado Springs definitely has its benefits. It's small, so you can walk anywhere within 10 minutes. You get to stare at Pikes Peak anytime you're outside. There are great places to eat on any block. (My two recent favorites are Jack Quinn's Irish Pub & Pita Pit [cause it's cheap...haha]). And.... they have these:
These little signs are posted at almost every street corner in downtown. Now, they wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the word 'look' actually has little eyes in it. Can anyone say "creepy"!? But wait... it gets better. The giant stencil of "LOOK" on the road also has eyes!!!
Yum yum yum. Tonight was Wednesday Night Dinner, and in honor of such an event, me & Kristi decided to make some Puppy Chow for dessert! Cause honestly, who doesn't enjoy a nice big bowl of the most amazing snack food ever invented!? Although, we did have a little snag in between making our delicious delicacy and presenting it to our host & fellow WND participants. Because someone (ahem... Kristi...) forgot to bring it! :) We made it all the way to Jeff's house & realized we had no Puppy Chow. Good thing he only lives 1.2 miles away from me. (Don't worry, I mapquested it... Haha...)
As amazing as our Puppy Chow was, it was not the most exciting thing about WND. You wanna know what was?! Jeff owns Kübb!! It's only the most brilliant game ever invented. So if anyone ever wants to have a sweet little tournament/get together involving kübb, let me know!!! :D
So... The Jesus wrote me a memo today. This is what it said:
I'm pretty sure I should listen to him... And I'm pretty sure I had no idea companies actually used these "While You Were Out" memos... Made me laugh a little bit on the inside. :)
But if you could keep me & my fabulously futile job search in your prayers, then that would be outstanding!! Cause as much as I'm in love with clerical part-time work... I'd much rather be designing those fantastic gravity-defying death machines or creating magical moments on screen or stage. Just saying.
So, I have a new friend. Her name is Kristi Vana. And she's amazing. I just wanted to start out with that. Oh, and she does this great thing on her blog with a Picture of the Day. It's so great in fact, that I'm going to steal the idea for myself. :) So here goes:
I'm actually going to cheat a bit and do a PotD for Saturday, yesterday & today.
Saturday - 24.5.08
This was the day for my first time EVER shooting a 12 gauge shot gun.... This pose? This is a true-blue action shot... Yup, it's the recoil having its way with me... I'm pretty sure my shoulder was dislocated... haha... I went with Kristi & Travis to Rampart Range to learn to shoot a rifle and a shotgun and it was a great time! Not sure I'm ever going to shoot a shotgun ever again in my life, but we'll see. :)
Sunday - 25.5.08
This is my nephew, Avery. He loves strawberries. And he really loves strawberry pie. I love feeding him strawberry pie. And well, I really love Avery and I love this picture.
Monday - 26.5.08
Today was Memorial Day. Happy MemorialDay!! And a shout out to all the men & women who deserve this holiday more than most people ever give them credit for. You guys rock my world. And in honor of rocking my world, I raise my box in toast to you!! Yup, that's right. That's a little tiny box of wine. And I drank it during dinner. Right out of the box. Only high class for me.
Oh... and a little P.S. to this story. Apparently I've been drinking some orange soda recently. Cause I've got a Crush. ;)
I graduated in what, December, from CSM with my Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and it's now mid-May and I've yet to find a job that fits just right. I think it's because I lost my favorite pair of jeans that actually did fit just right. Boo. But anyway.
I have recently become gainfully employed by Pottery Barn. Could be way fun. I do really enjoy their merchandise, and I know my friend Pam will highly enjoy my discount... :) But I'm also working for the MDA for a couple of weeks making some nice $$, along with physically working for my temp agency in their office. I can get all this amazingly easy-as-pie crap to work with, but not a real job?? I think The Jesus has something else planned bigger & better for me, but I'm having a hard time seeing it... I wish they made special glasses for these type things... ug.
Needless to say, I think my situation is kind of funny, but I'm also a bit put out by all of it. At least I'll get some cash in my pocket.
But tonight is Wednesday night dinner!! Free food is fantastic! As is awesome alliteration. :)
And I have attached a photo from Physics day at Elitch Gardens with my friends Jeff, me, The Fackelman (my old high school physics teacher) and Travis! Notice the high quality. Yup, stolen via Print Screen from the internet. :) Enjoy.
11:50 pm - Inspect why I'm so itchy. Turns out I have giant welts on both my elbow & my knee! What the heck?? Have a bit of a freak out & inspect in better lighting. Umm... I appear to have been attacked by something horrendous.
11:55 pm - Attempt to overpower this rash with some Cortizon 10.
Tuesday Morning
12:15 am - Nothing's happened. Oh wait, yes, it's starting to spread. Stupid Cortizon 10.
12:20 am - Put socks on my hands in order to prevent scratching. Ha. Like that actually ever works!
2:30 am - After trying to sleep for the last 2 hours (which didn't actually happen. more like tossing & turning for 2 hours!) I finally pull out my trusty Sidekick (haha... I've always wanted to say that!) and research what it could possibly be. First thought, one of the poison plant families. I was playing with my dogs earlier, who had been on their daily walk just shortly before I decided to pet them all for 20 minutes. Or I could have come in contact with something else during the day that my skin apparently doesn't agree with. During this research effort I start to inspect my wonderful new skin additions and discover it's spread to the other elbow & other knee!! I then watch as a patch on my right elbow increases before my eyes... uh... scary.
2:40 am - Have decided on trying a home remedy, cause well, I don't want to drive to the store at 3 o'clock in the morning. First, I take an extremely hot bath. I think it helps because it dries your skin out. Then they say banana helps relieve itching. So I proceed upstairs to smash some bananas and apply it to my appendeges and cover it with saran wrap. Oh my goodness. I reek of banana.
3:00 am - Back to bed with me. Good thing I sound like a giant plastic bag walking around. And smell like bananas.
8:00 am - Wake up. Still smell like bananas. Rash has proceeded to spread to cover both arms entirely. Awesome.
8:05 am - Back to the drawing board. Next step: my wonderful father goes to the store and buys me every itch-curing chemical he can find because my arms look like the surface of Mars. Meanwhile, I proceed to cover my knees in oatmeal (another home remedy) and saran wrap. Me and saran wrap have become very good friends at this point. Now I smell like bananas and oatmeal. Father returns with Benadryl ointment. This turns out to be my life saver. Rash disappears in about an hour.
My life-saver.
Ummm.... talk about strange. Oh, and after doing all my laundry, including my entire bed set, I woke up this morning with a rerun (though not nearly as bad) of the other night. Stupid stupid flesh eating skin disease!! I know you're very happy to have been informed of this incident. Next subject.
I've discovered a new favorite artist. Justin Nozuka. He sounds like melted butter. Mmm...
And last, but most definitely not least...
I was given the incredible privledge of seeing a special premiere of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspianlast night!! (Thanks Disney, Walden Media & Grace Hill Media) It was brilliant, spectacular, amazing!!! I could go on, but I just wanted to put the plug in for everyone to see it!! It's been a long time since Disney actually made me laugh, cry & sit at the edge of my seat (even though I knew the story line from having read the books...) all in the same movie. Just brilliant. Go see it this Friday when it comes out!!
So.... Me, myself and I am stuck. I'm trying to decide what to do with my life, or better yet, figure out what exactly The Big Guy has planned for my life, and it is in 100% honesty the most confusing, frustrating, tiring, boring thing to go through!!
I talked to a lady at Young Life yesterday about their international ministries and it sounds amazing, but the process is something like 2 years long, and well, that's a long time in my world. I mean, it sounds fantastic, and I'm definitely going to pursue it, it's just... it's just not now. And not that I need an immediate answer to anything, but I'm just ready to get a move on, ya know?
But, today I woke up and decided I'm going to research all the procedures to getting up and moving to another country. I don't need a job just to move somewhere. Especially not overseas, because you can't really take all that much with you, so moving expenses really only apply to the airline ticket & then finding a place to live, but I'm looking more into moving somewhere where I know a few people. My ideas so far are as follows:
- Ireland
- Norway
- New Zealand
- Australia
- Vancouver, Canada (So far away... I know... haha...)
So, today I'm looking into these things... if you know anything or have any advice, I'd love to hear it!! :)