
I’m Sorry, But That Just Sounds Gross.

17.12.08 - Wednesday

Tonight I was invited by some good friends to go watch the Sanders Family Christmas musical up at the Burritt on the Mountain. I am really glad I attended for multiple reasons.

1. I’ve never been to Burritt, much less have I ever been to Burritt when there was a cloud literally sitting on it, giving it this amazing scary aura.
2. The musical was quite witty. The humor had such a broad range that it kept pretty much everyone laughing. All I can say is the sign in ASL for ‘born’ is definitely not one gesturing a baby dropping out of their womb with great vigor…
3. Their gift shop had many chintzy, ugly, weird, completely useless & gross items for sale. Such as this beauty:

Um. Yuck. I think I’ll go for the real thing thanks. I mean, how are you even supposed to eat this?! I cannot imagine what that would taste like with jelly. Yuck yuck yuck.

Oh, but it gets worse.

Yuck. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.

Word of the Day: Yuck.

And on an un-gross note. I thought this was funny. Only because my dad's name is Alan & my younger brother's name is Zach. It made me smile. :)

C’mon Guys… Just Smile!

13.12.08 - Saturday

Why is it so difficult to get certain people to smile in pictures!? Are you allergic to fun!? All I wanted was for you two boys, Clark & Eric, to smile in our happy family Christmas photo. But nooooo… You like to be difficult.

This was the best I could do. At least Clark is almost smiling… Just give in Clark… I believe in you…

It’s alright though. I’m smiling enough for the both of them. CHEESE!

1. What IS this thing!? 2. Merry Christmas!

12.12.08 - Friday

The Indian Creek Greenway near my apartment never ceases to provide entertainment for me… (Particularly now since it has drained from the recent flood!)
This most recent adventure (on my sweet beach cruiser!) afforded a couple scratches of the head.

Scratch #1.

Umm… What IS this thing!? I have no idea… All I know is they’re all over the trail. They’re about the size of a softball, and I’m honestly afraid to even nudge it with the toe of my shoe… So, if anyone has any insight, feel free to educate me!

Scratch #2.

I love it when people spread their holiday cheer. Merry Christmas Charlie Brown! :)

Puff the Magic… Jacket?

11.12.08 - Thursday

It must be said… I have a bit of a problem. And they say admitting a problem is always the first step to overcoming it. So… here goes.

I am addicted to steepandcheap.com & whiskeymilitia.com. I just can’t help myself!

And today’s blog post will help prove why I have a tendency to covet the products those marketing geniuses push in my face at least 5 times an hour…

Just read the description at the bottom of the picture. You’ll understand why.

I’m not even a man & I want this jacket… It might also have something to do with my affinity for Puff the Magic Dragon, Jackie Paper & a land called Honalee.

Do you have 25 minutes to waste?? Then take a trip down memory lane with this classic… :)


Where's Noah When You Need Him!?

10.12.08 - Wednesday

When it rains in Alabama, it rains. I mean, worthy of calling up Noah to ask to borrow his little dinghy.

This water you see here… It is covering up a parking lot at the end of a Greenway. Good thing no one left their car parked there overnight (as people have been known to do…). Otherwise it would have become a new home for some little fishes.

And this water over here… Yup, you shouldn’t even be able to see any water that close to the road.

All of this is about ½ block from my apartment complex. Now I finally have a reason to be thankful for the ginormous hills the civil engineers decided not to level when they designed the lots. The same hills that cause cars to go sliding down them no matter how hard you pull your e-brake. Yup. Those hills finally showed they’re good for something!

Antique Birds, Disney Princesses & Veggie Tales Make For a Great First Christmas Tree!

08.12.08 - Monday

To tell you the truth, I had absolutely no intention of putting the effort into putting up a Christmas tree this year. But when my mother told me she would be sending me multiple boxes full of Christmas ornaments, I couldn’t help but get excited about getting a little into the Christmas spirit.

You see, it has been a tradition since I was born to receive an ornament or two every year in my stocking. So, as you can imagine, I have quite the collection of ornaments. My mother was finally letting me have my ornaments for my very own tree!

Now, I foolishly expected to receive every single ornament I’d ever been given, but I’m not sure what cause me to be so delusional, because I knew there was no way my mother would give up every roller coaster, Harry Potter, Disney Princess & other cool ornaments that were rightfully mine. I knew she’d only send the ones she could stand to part with, in order to keep her trees (yes, trees… she has multiple…) fully stocked and wonderful.

Thus, I received all the rejects. I got ONE Harry Potter ornament, about half of the Disney Princesses, all the Veggie Tales and quite the array of very strange (though, admittedly cool) antique ornaments from my grandparent’s collection. Oh, and did you know my grandfather had his own business of a bird aviary? Yup. So… he had a thing for birds. Thus, I received numerous bird ornaments. And the best thing of all!? The tree-topper. Umm… What IS this thing?! Haha…

Once all put together, my tree was laden with Disney Princesses, funky birds & Bob & Larry. My tree may be funny looking, but I love it!

I Know It.

06.12.08 - Saturday

Just another fine example of the money well spent on one’s vehicle here in Huntsville, Alabama.

Go into Jason’s Deli hungry. Leave feeling better about yourself after witnessing this parked next to your vehicle.

And what is it exactly that you “know” owner of the “pimped-out” Chevy? You know you wasted your money? You know you look like a fool driving down the road? You know when you get pulled over in this white boat, the cop will probably write you a ticket for being a “know-it-all?”

Yup. You Know It.

Man… No Lunch Lady!?

05.12.08 - Friday

Today was a great day. I was given the privilege of eating in a real, true-blue, legit cafeteria (minus the lunch ladies with the hair nets). Took me back to the days of plastic portioned trays, fried okra, chicken fried steak & chocolate milk. Though, today, the menu was spaghetti, fried corn balls & macaroni & cheese. So very healthy… :)

Thank you Adtran for giving me my 3rd grade memories back… and for trying to charge me for a “to-go” box, thus resulting in my taking my spaghetti leftovers in a Styrofoam cup.


Clark’s Apartment = The Antithesis of Boredom

03.12.08 - Wednesday

Where does one go to find all the games, gadgets & gizmos in one place!? Nope, not www.thinkgeek.com. Nei, not Sharper Image. Nada, not Brookstone.

You go to Clark’s apartment.

There you will find almost every single game system, every Arnold Schwarzenegger movie ever made, darts, mini-pool, an array of puzzles for anyone who wants to get a head-ache, something like 7 different lava lamps and the ultimate game: Boccerball (Wanna play? Don’t worry… I’ll totally school you!)

As you can picture, Clark’s apartment is über cool. What are some other things that make it so crazy cool??

His kitchen sink. Yup, his kitchen sink. This little gadget turns the water blue when the water’s cold, and red when the water’s hot. Brilliant!

Festive Han Solo. Mmm… Han Solo.

I have the coolest friends. :)

Busch Gardens: Anheuser-Busch’s Best Idea Ever! (Followed Closely by the Art of Brewing)

28.11.08 - Friday

When your family lives in Florida, it is only natural to visit any of the many amusement parks within close proximity. And to do so every single time you’re in the state. I mean, why not!? Those roller coasters are built for a reason! To be enjoyed! Time and time and time and time and time again… :)

But I hadn’t been to Busch Gardens in many years, so when the opportunity arose to see my friend Chris’s band - Thomas Wynn & the Believers - play in Tampa on Friday night, I couldn’t just pass up spending the day taking pictures with giraffes, rhinos, elephants & riding awesome roller coasters (such as the SheiKra!).

Oh Busch Gardens, how I love thee.

Mermaids, Sea Cows & Manatees!

27.11.08 - Thursday

Fact: My dad’s side of my family lives in Florida.
Fact: My favorite animal growing up was the manatee.
Fact: I’ve been to Florida more times than I can count.
Fact: I’ve never seen a manatee in the wild… Until now.

Today ranks up there for Best Days of My Life.

I was obsessed with manatees for a good 10 years of my life, and collected hundreds of little manatee objects during that time, ranging from earrings, to statues, to ornaments, to t-shirts… you name it, I probably have it.

Every time I’d visit my family in Florida, we’d go to Blue Springs Park in hopes of catching a glimpse of some manatees, and every time I was disappointed. I must have gone to that park over 30 times praying to see just one of those cute little rubber animals.

But today, today was different. I drove with my aunt up to the Park on Thanksgiving Day, just as something to do, somewhere to walk around, and when we arrived at the entrance gate, the sign on the Ranger Station said they had 175 manatees in the springs. All at once! Umm… you can imagine I got a little excited. And you can imagine I couldn’t believe my eyes when we walked up to the ramps & bridges overlooking the water and saw 10, 20, 30 manatees floating slowly & gracefully down the river. I managed to take a few pictures and here are some of my favorites.

The only thing that would have made the day better would be to have Jimmy Buffett there…

Yay manatees! :)

Jimmy Buffett - Save the Manatees

That Looks Familiar.

24.11.08 - Monday

Imagine my surprise as I’m perusing my morning emails & I receive one from Pottery Barn, and I see this picture. Now, you’re thinking, “What’s so special about it?” Take a look at the phone on the bedside table. Ignore all the wonderfully overpriced Pottery Barn merchandise, and focus on the phone.

I have that phone. Yup. Sitting in my apartment. The one I use pretty much everyday.

It made me smile. :)