
A Spork in the Road

So.... Me, myself and I am stuck. I'm trying to decide what to do with my life, or better yet, figure out what exactly The Big Guy has planned for my life, and it is in 100% honesty the most confusing, frustrating, tiring, boring thing to go through!!
I talked to a lady at Young Life yesterday about their international ministries and it sounds amazing, but the process is something like 2 years long, and well, that's a long time in my world. I mean, it sounds fantastic, and I'm definitely going to pursue it, it's just... it's just not now. And not that I need an immediate answer to anything, but I'm just ready to get a move on, ya know?
But, today I woke up and decided I'm going to research all the procedures to getting up and moving to another country. I don't need a job just to move somewhere. Especially not overseas, because you can't really take all that much with you, so moving expenses really only apply to the airline ticket & then finding a place to live, but I'm looking more into moving somewhere where I know a few people. My ideas so far are as follows:

- Ireland

- Norway

- New Zealand

- Australia

- Vancouver, Canada (So far away... I know... haha...)

So, today I'm looking into these things... if you know anything or have any advice, I'd love to hear it!! :)

1 comment:

KJ said...

I would personally move somewhere you haven't been before (Norway is out). Vancouver would have a lot of job possibilities but depending if you went to a big city in Ireland, New Zealand or Australia they would too. I looked a lot at jobs in NZ, they have doubled their work permits in the last couple years. Here's a website to start you off you might have already found: http://www.workingin.com/
Have fun!