So. Wine. Vino. Delicious. Thus, when you get to attend a party with wine (and some cheese) it is obvious that the party will be fun, delicious & crazy.
The night started at my friends' house (Will, Donavan, Mac [aka - Trevor] & Joe's house). Well, it ended there too. But okay. So, we enjoyed some laughs, some drinks, some cheese. Insert a bit of drama from Becky's oh so drama-free friends (yup... right) & then a bit more wine & you will find yourself at the end of the night when pretty much everyone has gone home. All except like 8 of us.
Now, my friend Will likes his wine. I like my wine. But Will likes to mix his wine with some fun games. Such as Face Your Fears. If you've never played this game, I don't blame you. :) But let me explain the 1.5 rules involved in this little activity:
1. You must start out on your knees with your arms behind your back.
1.5 Fall forward onto your face.

That's about it. An interesting little example of gravity in all its glory & the faces it creates. :)
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