
I Want a Bratz Car!

30.03.09 - Monday

Girl: Daddy, I want a Bratz car!
Dad: Alright sweetie.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Well, it would if it was a conversation between a father & his 8 year old daughter in the toy aisle of WalMart. But what ensues when it becomes a conversation between the car detailer & the misguided grown woman? This is what happens:

Maybe her boyfriend drives a Hummer with G.I. Joe painted on the side.

One can only hope.

Sidenote: Did you know they’re making a G.I. Joe movie?!?! I’m sure every 20-something man will be seeing it come August. I mean, what boy of the 80’s didn’t play with G.I. Joes!? And I just wanted to say thanks to all you brothers who didn’t let your younger sisters touch them, or play with them, because they didn’t make good enough sound effects. Yeah… I know who you are…

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