
Aluminum Foil Swans? I Don’t Think So…

27.9.08 - Saturday

So, you know how in some restaurants, when you get your leftovers, they wrap it up in aluminum foil & shape it into a swan? Well… I’ve discovered what animal I shall request next time this happens…

And please note the elephant beneath the moose. Amazing. There was also an alligator, but it didn't fit in my picture. :)

Oh, the things you discover when you’re on a mission to make enough Puppy Chow to send the 5 people you’re hanging out with into a diabetic coma.

Bakers Rack = Small Alabama Towns

26.9.08 - Friday

This lovely piece of furniture is called a Baker’s Rack. And it is helping me fill the void of having no pantry in my apartment. (Seriously, what kind of apartment doesn’t have a pantry!?) I recently bought it off craigslist for like $25 (a steal!) under the assumption that it would be easily attained by myself by just driving by the previous owner’s house & picking it up. But I have yet to learn, that things aren’t always as easy as they seem.

So, I started off my little adventure to Maysville, Alabama with directions from Google Maps & $40 cash. I’m jamming to the radio in my car & cruising down Highway 72 keeping an eye out for the road sign indicating where I will turn off. Umm… this simple task turned out to be a lot harder than I thought. Why? Oh, well, maybe because I was in the middle of the Boondocks where they don’t believe in street signs bigger than the size of a ruler. Nor do they believe that they should be placed on both sides of a road, where people can read them regardless of which side of the highway they are on. This resulted in me driving a good 15 miles past my turn-off, only to realize this when I drove past a Piggly Wiggly. Yup, a Piggly Wiggly. At that point, I knew something was wrong. Piggly Wiggly’s don’t exist within 20 miles of Huntsville.

So I turn around, call the house I’m trying to get to & set on my merry way again. I finally find my turn off. Yay! It’s another 3 miles down the road until I get to their neighborhood, so I’m watching all the scenery go by. And by scenery I mean little tiny shacks that say “Feed” and “Grocer” on them. Amazing. I feel like I’ve fallen into a secret little southern Pleasantville. I get to the neighborhood, and now I know I’ve made it to Pleasantville. The neighborhood is kind of in the middle of nowhere, and all the houses are the same. The grass in their yards is all the same. It seems that all the cars in the driveways are all the same. It’s not creepy, just a little strange. Very “Wrinkle in Time.”

But I get my Bakers Rack, and return home with a little adventure in my back pocket. Good thing that thing sat in the back of my car in pieces for the better part of a week. And good thing it now provides me with my own little pantry. Good story. :)


27.9.08 - Thursday

Today was a fun day. I experienced Zumba for the first time (That’s one heck of a work out!) & I got to go with a friend from work to see Eagle Eye (I wasn’t expecting much from it, but it turned out to be really good).

But the cherry on top was walking out into the parking lot after the movie & seeing this. A giant Hummer (not an H2 or H3, but a big giant, gas-guzzling, original road Hummer) with the very astute license plate reading: HUMMMMR.

Thank you Alabama.

Infinite Twilight

24.9.08 - Wednesday

I went to the Madison Public Library today for the first time in 10 years. It still has not changed. Well, some of the books inside it have. As well as some of the posters.

I came across this poster with the stars of the new movie Twilight reading the book they come from. When I saw it I nearly laughed out loud, though quickly remembering I was in a library. I couldn’t resist taking a picture for a couple of reasons.
1. The Twilight Series (by Stephenie Meyer) has become one of my favorite series of all times. It’s ranked up there with Harry Potter & Lord of the Rings. Just spectacular.
2. I knew KimJim would get quite a kick out of it. And she did.
3. I just couldn’t believe they actually made a poster with this on it. It’s just kind of weird in my mind. Like when you’re standing in a hall of mirrors & there are an infinite number of mirrors & your reflection going on forever. Just funny to me I guess.

Oh, I love me some Edward Cullen.

Baby Jail

23.9.08 - Tuesday

I just wanted to share this picture that my sister-in-law sent to me today. Ummm… how incredibly precious!!!

This is Everett, my youngest nephew. Although I am quite sad that I no longer live in the same state as them, and will miss out on all the amazing little things little people do, I still remain quite happy that Bethany sends me pictures of some of the favorite men in my life.

When I return to Colorado to visit, I want Avery & Everett to be the same size as when I left, but I know that is not possible, so I can only look forward to seeing them bigger & better than before!!


Joe’s for Joeys

7.9.08 - Sunday

Joe’s Jeans are one of my favorite brands of jeans. They are great quality & fit amazingly. So, to my absolute amazement & wonder, I found a store in Madison, AL that sells the entire line. Holy moly.

Now, I may be willing to drop $150 for a pair of jeans I’m going to live in for the next 2-5 years, but I’m not sure I’d do the same for a little person who would be sure to grow out of them in 2-5 months. Nonetheless, this was a priceless display of consumerism at its best, with a table filled with miniature Joe’s Jeans. Gotta love it.

Rocket City

6.9.08 - Saturday

I would just like to point out that I have always enjoyed Huntsville. Even when I lived here previously, there was never a moment I didn’t cherish, didn’t learn from & don’t look back on fondly. Maybe it’s because this is the “Rocket City.”

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center is located here (along with half of all the military & aerospace companies in the world), and since they are located here, so are their rockets. Now, this particular one is not actually at the Space & Rocket Center, but it’s just outside the city, welcoming people into a city that’s a sort of island in the sea of “The South.” I say this because it’s probably not what you’d imagine, due to movies you may have seen & books you may have read. It’s a hub for all things military & aerospace (sort of Colorado Springs’ sister city) and thus, people from all over the country reside here.

But back to my point. I’ve been to the SRC about a million times & I never get tired of it. It’s amazing. And apparently ranked as one of the 1000 things you need to see in the U.S. before you die. (Interesting, so I’ve been there enough for at least 10 lifetimes? :) I love seeing the giant rockets from almost any point in the city, and so I love that they planted this one right along the highway giving you a glimpse into the history of Huntsville. Rock on Huntsville. Rock on.

Sweet Home Alabama

5.9.08 - Friday

1200 something miles, 4 tanks of gas & an infinite number of plays of Kid Rock’s Sweet Home Alabama on my radio have led me to this point.

Welcome to Alabama the Beautiful.

I still cannot believe I managed to drive this entire way all by myself. I am very glad for the time spent singing out loud, learning about Houdini (via audio book… what an amazing man) & seeing my favorite kind of cow. :)

I am not sure what life has in store for me, what treasures I will find in here, what challenges I may face or what kind of people I will meet, but I can assure you, I’m going in with every intention of making the most of every minute & learning what story God has written out for me.