23.11.08 - Sunday
Let us all take this moment of silence to remember what was once my little blue Saturn. It can be seen here in all its working glory…
Happy I'm okay! Sad because no more Saturn...
Explanation? Well, evidently God didn’t want me to have my car anymore. Which is fine. A little inconvenient, but I know there’s something good to come out of my lack of transportation. I’m not one to challenge the Big Man! But seriously, I know this will help me not to rely so much on myself, and will definitely help me to rely on my main man Jesus and my wonderful friends around me, considering Huntsvegas is not exactly designed for anything but driving cars…
But yeah… The damage is rather extensive, but thankfully neither I nor the other girl involved were hurt. Both our cars were totaled, but we both walked away from the accident. (Although, both my knees were out of commission for a day or two. Hard plastic dash + bony knees = nice bruises)
Turns out all my physics professors were right when they said that two objects cannot occupy the same space simultaneously. Thanks Pauli!
Notice my bumper hanging out next to my car?
I guess the 16 year old young woman thought I was turning right in an intersection, where I was in fact going straight, and she decided to make a left-hand turn directly in front of my car that was traveling at 45 mph. Whoops. Oh well… accidents happen. Thus the word accident. The details involved my front end passenger side smashing into her rear end passenger side, my car spinning 180 degrees, both my airbags deploying, me jumping out of the car like there was a fire under me, and then me going into something resembling shock. Boy… that was fun.
Oh, and I was branded. By my car. Haha… It was funny because I noticed this big red mark on my hand after everything had happened, and just assumed I had been burned by the airbag. As the night progressed, I kept looking at my hand, thinking it was changing shape… By the end of the night, I went to wash my face, and the warm water turned the mark even more red, resulting in my epiphany of realizing it SAID something! And what did it say?? It said “SATU” backwards. As in SATURN. And it included some of the symbol too… I couldn’t stop laughing for like 5 minutes. Probably some left-over shock. Haha… But yeah, apparently when the airbag exploded, the symbol on my steering wheel hit me so hard to brand my hand for the next week. Nice.
Oh, and I’d like to make a shout-out to Eric, John & Miller for picking up off the side of the road. I appreciate it. Haha.
Time to go car shopping! (Though, I don’t think I’ll be buying another Saturn. This was Totaled Saturn #2. At least I can attest to the fact that they’re safe cars!!)
What do they do with all the debris hanging out on the road after your plastic car sacrifices itself for you?
They load it into the back seat of your car. Lovely.
Friday, August 31, 2012
12 years ago