Let me set up a little story for you here.
You come home from a long day in the office. You’re getting hungry.
You don’t have too much time to make something amazing like you always do, (I mean, you are so incredibly gifted in the kitchen [not to toot your own horn or anything…]) since you have plans tonight (you’re also incredibly popular). You reach into the freezer for a yummy CPK pizza you recently bought at Target (presumably on your infamous Black Spaghetti run…), for these very rare times when you give in to corporate, frozen-fed America.
You instantly begin salivating, which is stupid, since you still have like 20 minutes before you can even eat it, and that’s only if you’re willing to try to ingest molten-lava cheese, resulting in some sweet 2nd degree burns on the inside your mouth, which in itself results in not being able to taste the rest of the amazing CPK pizza, so in reality you have to wait like 25 minutes. Fine. You can read another 10 chapters of the brilliant novel you’re currently reading (Cause really, who has time for TV? Especially when you’re talented enough to read 10 chapters of anything in 25 minutes…) while it’s cooking. That’s a bargain you’re willing to live with. All of these near-future plans are running through your head as you’re ripping open the cardboard box. You reach in, pull out the plastic-wrapped goodness, only to find… ::gasp::!!!
But, no matter. You’re an engineer. You’ll figure this out… That’s why they pay you the big bucks.
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