I am officially on my way to participating in all things ‘Country’ and ‘Southern’ while living here in the south.
What did I get to check off my list tonight?? Going to a Monster Truck Jam!!
Yup. You better believe it. (Just don’t forget your earplugs!)
We even got to go down and walk amongst the trucks, BMXers, and loads of people sporting their best “night on the town” outfits. (Carhartts, camo, trucker hats and Confederate flags galore!) What a glorious way to spend a Saturday evening!
I, myself, tried to fit in with the crowd, sporting my own trucker hat, ripped jeans, and carrying my belongings in a Piggly Wiggly bag. Makes me look right at home whilst I sit inside this giant monster truck tire, right!?
What sort of displays of ‘country’ gallantry did we get to witness??
Monster Trucks smashing puny little cars.
Exploding transmissions! (See the smoke? Whoops…)
FLIPPING & flying motocross bikes! (That was legitimately cool…)
It’s just too bad we didn’t go on SUNDAY! SUNDAY! SUNDAY!
Seriously folks. If heaven were a giant cookie… It’d be a cookie from the Levain Bakery in New York City.
Oh. My. Goodness.
So, this weekend I had another Couch Surfer hanging out. He’s a student at Julliard as a timpani player. (Yup, definitely didn’t know what that was until this weekend!) He was auditioning for a spot with the Huntsville Symphony Orchestra and needed a place to stay, so I welcomed him into my tiny abode. And who knew there were perks with Couch Surfing??
Like, when people bring you the best cookies ever created in the history of cookies… I mean, first of all, these things were ginormous!! (I’ve illustrated this in the picture with the comparison to the size of a penny.) Second of all, these things created a rhapsody of sorts in my mouth. I mean, I’m serious. So delicious! Mr. Couch Surfer brought me a Dark Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookie and an Oatmeal Raisin cookie. And they lasted me the entire week.
And the best part?? You can order them online!! Mind you, it’ll cost you $30+ for just 4 cookies, but so seriously worth it. Unless, that is, you just happen to be in New York City, and then you could drop on in. But if you are, I don’t want to hear it. ‘Cause I’d be totally jealous. Although, you could always pick me up one or two. Then I’d be your best friend.
My boss invited our whole office to go out to lunch today… on him! (Mind you, there are only 12 of us in the entire office…) So when this happens, you can’t say no! That would be stupid. And we all know I, at least, am not stupid.
So, I jumped into an available car & got excited to experience Tim’s Cajun Kitchen for the very first time, after months & months of hearing about how “marvelous” it was. I knew this was not going to be a waste of my lunch time when only after 2 minutes of driving, we came across a wonderfully random sight. I looked out my window, and to my surprise, I saw this shovel. Just hanging out. Nobody around it. Obviously not being used for anything. Free shovel anyone??
Right, so we arrived to Tim’s and I was pretty stoked about this free meal I was about to devour. I sat down, unrolled my napkin from around my silverware, took a sip of my ice water with lime, and looked up to see this guy enjoying his meal in front of me.
Um, hey there! Aren’t you a cutie!?
Needless to say, I enjoyed my first adventure with Huntsvegas Cajun food. Regardless of the inanimate exhibitions of gluttony surrounding me. :)
I really enjoyed today’s service for a multitude of reasons, and one of them being this fan.
Now, you’re probably thinking, “That’s a Big Ass Fan!” Well, you’d be correct in exclaiming that. Because that’s precisely what it is. Or, well, that’s the name of the company that made it anyway.
For Day Two of my return to the real world, I decided I should clean out my Outlook inbox, since there are about a bajillion emails in it. And during my purging of spam mail & 80-message-long emails, I found this gem.
But before you look at it, let me set the story up for you.
I am an active participant in Couch Surfing. I think it is so incredible and such an amazing way to meet new people and really connect with different cultures. Oh, and it’s free.
Now, I recently had some freakin’ sweet peeps from Sweden stay with me for a night. They were taking a tour of the South (one girl, Lena, is in love with Dolly Parton! They even went to Dollywood… I love it! :), and Huntsville was one of their stops along the way from Nashville to New Orleans. We had a great time & I’m so glad I was able to meet them, even if only for a night.
Right, so all my friends knew I was doing this, and many of them were quite curious about what all goes down with Couch Surfing. Curious enough to email me one day out of the blue and ask me to do an interview for the news station they work for… That very day. Um… Excuse me, what?? Well, obviously, yes, I’d love to help you out, but uhhh… As in this current day ‘Today??’ In like 2 hours?? At my apartment?! The apartment that doesn’t have the characters from Beauty & the Beast living in it to clean itself while I’m gone?? Oh geez…
Well, I obviously agreed to do the interview, but in the process, freaked out a bit over email exchanges with KimJim. Oh, and there was a weird time of not knowing if the interview would actually take place that afternoon or not… So, this is a spectacular email Kim wrote me. I was nearly crying from laughter, so I thought I’d share it with you too.
Best to read it from the bottom up, in true email chain fashion.
Oh, and the result from this crazy day?? A sweet story care of my friends Becky & Ellis.
Today was a sad day. Today was the day I had to leave Colorado after my 2.5 week vacation. (I know, I know. My job rules. 2.5 weeks of vacation!? You better believe it.)
Today was a happy day. Today was the day I got to return to Alabama and return to my wonderful Alabama friends.
Today was a day of learning. Today was a day of learning that things change. Things such as your college’s whole look & advertising scheme??
As I was walking through DIA, I was literally stopped in my tracks. By this.
Now, I know you can’t really see it, but let me tell you what it says. “Understanding the earth. Harnessing energy. Sustaining the environment. Colorado School of Mines Engineering the way.”
Right. I was completely unaware during my 4.5 years in Golden, Colorado, that we were so… Green. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am 100% for saving the whales, rainforest, tatas, last dance, etc. But really? Is CSM steering towards becoming a university dedicated solely to sustainability? Did they forget that about ½ of their donations come from ginormo oil companies and graduates from the petroleum department?? Or that we’re called the Colorado School of Mines? Hmmm… Good thing I went there in order to someday become a roller coaster engineer.
And the weirdest part about this picture? We evidently have a new school logo. Um. What? Are they even allowed to do that? I guess I’m just a bit partial to our old one.
I wonder what all those dead ol’ gold miners would think about CSM’s new “change.” I’m not necessarily against what they’re doing. I guess I was just thrown a bit off guard when I was assaulted by this giant, screaming, illuminated sign in the Denver Airport.
Mission: Completed. Although, not gonna lie, I was a little worried at the beginning of the day… Because we got to sit in some wonderful traffic for about an hour. The worst part about it? Copper Mountain was a mere 5280 feet away from where our car was sitting at a stand still. Yes. One mile. I was so incredibly tempted to get out & start walking.
Turned out I-70 was closed from the Copper exit onwards due to inclement weather. Sucks for all you Vail skiers! Bwahaha.
The good side of all this snow?? The POWDER! Woo!
Seriously. The most powder I’ve ever had the pleasure of enjoying in my life. (Thanks so much Global Warming!) It made for some amazingly soft landings when one wiped out. Although, come on, like I EVER fall… But for the ONE time I did today, it was the most comfortable and splendid ‘trip’ downhill I’ve ever experienced.
Such a great day. Especially since I was spending it with my padre & little bro-ha!
This is my "Oh my goodness! There's SO much snow!" face. Ha.
This must be what it feels like to live in a snow globe. :)
So exciting… Along with the snow capped mountains seen in the distance beyond Denver. Brings a smile to my face every time. :)
2. My Golden Birthday!!
Yes, my birthday is on Christmas Eve. No, it does not suck. No, I do not get jipped on presents. Yes, I’m sorry you feel this incessant need to try to quantify your own awesomeness with having a July birthday by saying, “Gee whiz, I sure do feel sorry for you!” Um. Thank you. The kind sentiments are very much appreciated.
But on a much more spectacular note, this birthday was extra special, because it was in fact, my golden birthday! I turned 24 on the 24th. Goodness. I’m getting old. :) So, everything today was gold! My cake, the wrapping paper on my presents, and the presents themselves!
Not enough gold? Okay, we'll include the evening activities… at The Golden Bee! One of my favorite places in Colorado Springs fo’ sho’. A true-blue English pub shipped from England? Check. Piano man? Check. Yards & half-yards of beer? Check. (Especially when enjoyed with one's family, like my older bro-ha.)
Waiters & waitresses throwing little bee stickers at you at random times during the night? Check.
I ended up with quite the little army of bees… Including a bee with a birthday cake & party hat!
I seriously must have missed the memo on the requirements for vehicles driven around Huntsville, AL.
I was merely walking out of Ross this evening (after buying an amazing silk-like mu-mu found in the “One Size Fits Most” section of the store, that will be turned into a dress! Hey there $8! :) when I nearly let this car go by without my ever-loving inspection. Maybe because it was camouflage! Tricky tricky.
But really? How much would something like this cost? Probably enough for me to go back into Ross & buy 150 sweet mu-mus.
Like I’ve said before, and I’m sure I’ll say again. “Oh, Alabama.”
So, in keeping up with the Christmas spirit, my good friends Ashley & Jason invited me to my 2nd Huntsville, AL Christmas tradition. The Boar’s Head & Yule Log Festival. Yup. That’s right.
This “festival” is held at Huntsville’s First United Methodist Church, located downtown, and stars such a cast as you couldn’t believe. Including, yes, a boar’s head.
You can sort of see the beautiful costumes utilized in this production in this picture. And if you can see that, then you can’t miss the giant beard protruding from one of the Wise Men’s face. The best part about the beard? The whole thing moved whenever the man talked. Not to mention it looked like a ratty steel scrub brush.