My boss invited our whole office to go out to lunch today… on him! (Mind you, there are only 12 of us in the entire office…) So when this happens, you can’t say no! That would be stupid. And we all know I, at least, am not stupid.
So, I jumped into an available car & got excited to experience Tim’s Cajun Kitchen for the very first time, after months & months of hearing about how “marvelous” it was. I knew this was not going to be a waste of my lunch time when only after 2 minutes of driving, we came across a wonderfully random sight.
Right, so we arrived to Tim’s and I was pretty stoked about this free meal I was about to devour. I sat down, unrolled my napkin from around my silverware, took a sip of my ice water with lime, and looked up to see this guy enjoying his meal in front of me.
Um, hey there! Aren’t you a cutie!?
Needless to say, I enjoyed my first adventure with Huntsvegas Cajun food. Regardless of the inanimate exhibitions of gluttony surrounding me. :)
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