Two important things happened today.
1. I got to go home to Colorado Springs!!
See that mound? That’s Pikes Peak!!

So exciting… Along with the snow capped mountains seen in the distance beyond Denver. Brings a smile to my face every time. :)

2. My Golden Birthday!!
Yes, my birthday is on Christmas Eve.
No, it does not suck.
No, I do not get jipped on presents.
Yes, I’m sorry you feel this incessant need to try to quantify your own awesomeness with having a July birthday by saying, “Gee whiz, I sure do feel sorry for you!”
Um. Thank you. The kind sentiments are very much appreciated.
But on a much more spectacular note, this birthday was extra special, because it was in fact, my golden birthday! I turned 24 on the 24th. Goodness. I’m getting old. :)
So, everything today was gold! My cake, the wrapping paper on my presents, and the presents themselves!
Not enough gold? Okay, we'll include the evening activities… at The Golden Bee! One of my favorite places in Colorado Springs fo’ sho’.
A true-blue English pub shipped from England? Check.
Piano man? Check.
Yards & half-yards of beer? Check. (Especially when enjoyed with one's family, like my older bro-ha.)

Waiters & waitresses throwing little bee stickers at you at random times during the night? Check.
I ended up with quite the little army of bees… Including a bee with a birthday cake & party hat!
Gratulerer med dagen til meg!
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