03.02.09 - TuesdayI’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. I LOVE packages! Well, more specifically, I love getting presents, and come on, let’s be honest, I’m not alone in this…
Most of my favorite packages come with the return address labeled “Kim James.” From CDs to funny
pajamas, it’s always a treat seeing her name in that upper left hand corner of a box.
Now, I knew this box was in the works, and would eventually result in a note on my door stating “You have a package at the Club House.” (You know… the Club House that I passed in my car on the way in, all the way on the opposite side of my complex, where carrying big boxes from there to my apartment makes for an enjoyable scene for those lucky enough to witness my trek… Yeah, that Club House.) But while I knew it was in existence, I wasn’t sure when it would arrive, and much less, what it would contain. You see, this box was to hold all things Birthday & Christmas. Which was… what? 1.5 months ago? Yup, Kim & I are awesome. :D
So, needless to say, I was surprised & excited when I got my “Club House” note today. And well, the surprise didn’t end at merely receiving the box, because you see, as I opened it, I was immediately attacked by what Kim likes to describe as such:

Yes. Tons & tons of glitter. All over everything. And not big pieces of glitter either. Teeny, tiny, microscopic pieces of shimmering glitter. (Don’t get me wrong… I LOVE glitter. Just maybe not all over my hands, table, carpet, etc. :) Now, I couldn’t tell if this was on purpose or what, so I merely shrugged my shoulders & proceeded to dive into the box’s contents, which included the following:

A bottle of Pepsi
Potato candy (uh, yum?)
Gummi lobsters
Chocolate covered Maine blueberries
A chocolate
Wicked Whoopie (YUM! Just don’t even think about looking at the caloric content of one of these… Life’s just better sometimes when you are ignorant.)
A box of Nerds
A dog shaped stapler
A mouth harp
A lego desk calendar
Sunflower seed butter from Trader Joe’s
Mango raspberry Jam, Fig Jam, & Pumpkin Butter from a homemade seller at the amazing Hillcrest Farmers Market
And last, but definitely not least, a broken container of Twilight’s
Edward Cullen body glitter. (ah… a moment of enlightenment.)
One of the best packages EVER. Now if only she could have included some taro frozen yogurt with
mochi & mangos from Yog-art… But I guess I’ll just have to settle with actually going out to San Diego to get that. Woe is me… :)