Um. These past two days have probably been some of the best days of my life. No joke. “But why Becky?” you might ask… Well, let me tell you.
You see, it all started with Becky finally finding a car for purchase to replace her poor little ol’ Saturn. But the thing was, the car was in Nashville. What did this mean!? Road trip!
So, what started out as Becky, Eric, Joel & Clark, soon grew into Becky, Eric, Joel, Clark, Kayla, Lauren & Jane. We officially had a party. Well, we loaded up into two cars and hit the road for Nashvegas!!
On the way up, we experienced in-car dance parties (complete with strobe lights!), “It’s like, you know?!,” and having our love locked down.
An amazing car ride to say the least.
We ate dinner at Bosco’s (yum! Get the beer sampler! It’s like Christmas… But available year round… :) and then ventured down to “The Strip.” Fun times all around.
After spending the night at Clark’s uncle’s house (including such events as sweatshirt hunts, MySpace pictures, & general craziness) we proceeded to Fido’s for breakfast where I was to meet my new car. So exciting!
Now, Becky has her new wheels (yay 2000 5 speed Volkswagon Passat Wagon in British Racing Green!) and we’re off for some fun in the sun! Where to? The Parthenon of course! (Or is it the “Parthenonononononon…”?? Hmm… Joel?) But not in Greece silly… Right there in the middle of good ol’ Nashville! (Seriously though, really cool place. Check it.)

And it must be said. None of this would have been made possible without the magnificent LC.
Nashville + sharing beds + sunshine swing sessions = Instant BFF!
And, for your viewing pleasure.

You’re welcome.
1 comment:
hahahahahhahahahha!!!! lovveess ittt!!
- Your besbian :)
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