06.02.09 - FridayYes. That’s right. 32 cases of champagne. Or well, at least a number similar to 32. Could be more. Could be less (though I doubt it…).

This is a piece of knowledge my friends Stephanie, Lisa, Kim & I discovered this weekend at our sorority sister Adrienne’s wedding in Colorado. 32 cases of
Verdi Sparkling Italian.

And under command of the groom himself, it was our job to help nullify the existence of said Verdi. So, under such obligation, and in the hands of the oh-so-gorgeous bartender, we did our part to clear the bar of those pesky

bottles. You’re welcome bride & groom. You’re welcome.

One of the highlights of the night (outside of Adrienne’s
marriage)? With a little Verdi courage, and the persistence of those whom for some reason I call “friends,” I ended up dancing with a very cute, very young, ginger man. Hello, my name is Becky. I’m a cougar. But it’s okay. He’s in a
All in all, it must be said,
Pi Phis always have more fun.

1 comment:
It's the black and white crew! Lookin' hot... I heart this picture :)
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