
Pumpkin Eaters Never Prosper

28.01.09 - Wednesday

What are those sayings? Cheaters Never Prosper? Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater? Hmmm… Well, CLARK, this post, is for you.

You see, all we wanted was a fun night of games. Specifically, a fun night of geocaching, but that plan was thwarted when we didn’t have a GPS unit to guide us… So instead, we played UNO. Clark, Eric, Brittany & I were down for some good, clean fun. Well, no, let me rephrase that… Eric, Brittany & I were down for some good, clean fun. While Clark cheated.

Brittany, Clark & Eric sitting around my table. I’m sitting on the floor. (I only have 3 chairs in my apartment. I keep meaning to get one more… meh.) Cards are dealt. Turns are played. Eric begins to accumulate quite the collection of UNO cards. Poor Eric. Clark is constantly down to one card… Lucky Clark. Picture of funny circumstances is taken. Play continues. Eric’s looking to invest in this game… Becky looks down under the table for some reason… Um. UM?!

Are those extra cards on the floor?


There are some UNO cards on the floor. Did they fall down or something?

[stifles a laugh]

Clark! Are those your cards?!

[bursts out laughing]
Hahahaha! I’ve been cheating for like the entire game! If I won, I swear I was going to tell you guys…

Play continues… with side glances & regular checks for the floor surrounding Clark’s chair. And who won the game? Eric. The man with ¾ of the deck in his hand.

See Clark? Cheaters never prosper. Though, I guess they don’t really eat pumpkins either. Instead, you ate my delicious chocolate cupcakes fresh out the oven.


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