
Good Investment

29.04.09 - Wednesday

I know you can’t really tell from this picture, but I’d just like to share an example of a good investment.

Today it rained. In fact, it was currently raining when I took this picture.

Today, a person decided to get their car washed.

As it was raining.

There’s $7.00 wisely invested.
I love people.

Huntsville’s Best Kept Secret

25.04.09 - Saturday

I have a question for all you Huntsvillians… Have you been to the Huntsville Speedway yet? If no, um, WHY NOT!? If so, why haven’t you told me about this before now?!

Tonight, I became one step closer to experiencing all things red-neck & awesome within Alabama. The Huntsville Speedway is just… just… well… there are no words. This type of event can only truly be enjoyed by experiencing it first-hand. And when you do, you’ll see that boats can glide on land, you’ll witness cars that can fly, and you’ll learn what happens when you combine laundry detergent, water from a fire-hose and men on a mission. Not to mention all the delicious food, beverage & second-hand smoke you can handle!

So what are you waiting for!? Get down to the Huntsville Speedway!

Hallllllllllle Berrrrrrrrrrrry!

18.04.09 - Saturday

Tonight was a night of discoveries. My friends & I discovered how to get onto A&M’s campus. We discovered free popcorn. We discovered what it’s like to feel horribly out of place, yet enjoy it all the same. We discovered that we are in need of a dance routine to bust out whenever music starts playing, in any place, at any time. (You know, Dirty Dancing style, only… not.) We discovered the song Halle Berry, and how it is possible to repeat someone’s name enough to get on your nerves. We discovered what the emcee of the night thought of us… “Ya'll beautiful black people, ya'll beautiful black people...” We discovered that “When we start dancin', what we do?, we hurt they feelins…”

Whoop Rico - Show Stoppas

Best of all, we discovered an amazing night filled with phenomenally talented dancers ranging from kids to college students and we discovered what it’s like to go deaf via a spectacular drumline. Well done A&M. Well done.



16.04.09 - Thursday

You know what’s fun?

Putting air in your tires. For 75¢. Next to a busy intersection. At rush hour. With men honking their horns because they feel some unremitting longing to exclaim the deepest desires of their hearts & souls.

I’ll take it though. I’d rather end up three quarters poorer once a month with dirty hands than shell out a couple hundred bucks for some new rear tires to fix my “slow leak.” Thanks anyway Mr. Goodyear. Thanks anyway.

I Just Look Better With A Little Color.

15.04.09 - Wednesday

Today, I walked away from the dermatologist missing some skin & gaining some peace of mind. As I entered the patient room, I was greeted by this wonderful picture.

Oh. My. Goodness.

(My favorite part is the kid’s expression.)

This, my dear friends, is why I lather myself in gooey sunscreen. Even though I help pay for my dermatologist’s Jaguar car payments & cruises to Monaco every time I visit, I leave knowing I will never look like this lady. When I get old, you will never feel an incessant need to rub me down with saddle oil.


Was It Worth It??

14.04.09 - Tuesday

Was it worth it? Heck yeah.

How’d it happen? Gymnastics. :)

I’ve been taking an adult tumbling & trampoline class with my wonderful friends Winnie, Lauren & Kayla, and it has been so thrilling to be reminded of how much I loved the sport and how much I miss it, even almost 8 years since ending my 12 year gymnastics career.

Who doesn’t love flipping through the air, making your body twist in directions you never thought possible, and feeling like you belong on a Cirque du Soleil stage?? Even if it does mean sacrificing your normal, flesh-colored knees to the plastic trampolines that catapult you 10-20 feet into the air… I didn’t like them that pasty peach color anyway. A red/purple/blue color (formed in the shape of the tiny squares of the trampoline pattern) provides a much better pallete, don’t you think?

This could be us someday... :)

Cirque du Soleil at the 2002 Oscars



13.04.09 - Monday

Hobby Lobby & I are becoming fast friends. This is because it helps me love on my other friends. Such as Kristi.

Kristi & I have a special bond because we are traveling buddies.
Now, this fact in and of itself is nothing extraordinary. Even though we’ve visited such fantastic places as Ireland & France, that is not singular. The part that makes it exceptional is the fact that we’ve never actually left the country… together. But this does not stop us from taking a holiday and enjoying the local scene.

Who doesn’t enjoy a nice, hot beverage in Paris?? Or a cold pint in Dublin??

In honor of Kristi’s beautiful heart, I wanted to make her something to remember our journeys by…

I hope that whenever she sees this hanging on her wall, she reminisces on our passport-free voyages, gluten-free beverages, worry-free times & happy hour flowers. :)


So, We Meet Again.

12.04.09 - Sunday

Right. So, today, as I was sitting in my car waiting for Kayla to arrive home (because she likes to invite me over, and then not be there to let me inside…), I was paid a visit by an old acquaintance.

Hello Cow. So, we meet again.

I wonder where he was going... Perhaps a friendly, fair-weathered drive. Or on a visit to the art museum. Possibly to buy a new hat. If so, I’d go with something in blue.


Hal & Grønn

09.04.09 - Thursday

Hal has made a friend & invited him home.

After researching (and by research, I mean I asked the PhD Physicist/Engineer/farmer in my office what the bug was, and within 2 words of my description, he already knew what it was…) I found out that it’s a Luna Moth. This means that while it’s a very pretty bright green, it’s also HUGE, and quite easily mistaken as a leaf.

I think I’ll name him Grønn. Mmm... Yes. Grønn. Very original... I know. :)

Let’s just hope Hal & Grønn don’t invite any more friends...



03.04.09 - Friday

I have a roommate. Well, maybe not really, considering roommates typically live in the same abode as you, and where, this guy, he lives outside my front door. You see, this little guy did have a short stint inside my apartment, but I couldn’t have that, so I caught him & threw him 20 feet outside my door. (1. I didn’t want to kill the poor thing & B. Roaches are big & killing it would mean smashing it, and that would involve a lot of sound effects, and I just couldn’t deal with that…)

Now, this little dude then managed to lay there for the next 4 days (in the exact same spot), where he then proceeded to magically make his way back to my front door. I mean, I know I’m cool, but come on, take a hint buddy.

black blob = roach friend

So, he’s been here for about a month. I’m thinking of charging him rent.

I've named him Hal, after the cockroach in Wall-E. Not after the evil computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey. That would be awkward.

I Want a Bratz Car!

30.03.09 - Monday

Girl: Daddy, I want a Bratz car!
Dad: Alright sweetie.

Does this scenario sound familiar? Well, it would if it was a conversation between a father & his 8 year old daughter in the toy aisle of WalMart. But what ensues when it becomes a conversation between the car detailer & the misguided grown woman? This is what happens:

Maybe her boyfriend drives a Hummer with G.I. Joe painted on the side.

One can only hope.

Sidenote: Did you know they’re making a G.I. Joe movie?!?! I’m sure every 20-something man will be seeing it come August. I mean, what boy of the 80’s didn’t play with G.I. Joes!? And I just wanted to say thanks to all you brothers who didn’t let your younger sisters touch them, or play with them, because they didn’t make good enough sound effects. Yeah… I know who you are…

Cotton, Anyone?

21.03.09 - Saturday

It is an obvious statement to say that whenever you go thrift store shopping, you are bound to find some interesting & unique wares. Most thrift stores are filled with clothing, used furniture, old appliances & more baby stuff than Babies Я Us carries. But today, one of my Young Life girls & I found something, were I not in the south, I would never believe to be available for purchase. I say this only because during most of the late months of fall, this can be picked up for, well, free.

Cotton, anyone?


Foggy London Town.

17.03.09 – Tuesday

Today started out in a creepy, fantastic way. I mean, who doesn’t love driving over a tiny, narrow bridge in a dense wall of fog? As I drove to work, praying to stay in my lane, and for other cars to stay in theirs, I had A Foggy Day (In London Town) playing in my head. Mmm… While Frankie, Ella & Louie hold special places in my heart, I must admit, I do adamantly love me some Michael Bublé.

I guess this weather fits the day, considering it is St. Patrick’s Day and all… So from London, we travel to Ireland. (Where, as some of you know, my husband is waiting for me…)

Over lunch, some co-workers & I headed downtown to watch the St. Patty's Day parade, and were thoroughly entertained by the likes of men in kilts, little old ladies marching with their walkers, street sweepers & bright green dogs. I'd say the parade was a success.

For the evening entertainment, our good friend Joel (a brilliant special-use product model), threw a huge dinner-party, filled with genuine Irish food & goodies, cooked lovingly by his family. We had our fill of corned beef & cabbage (so good!), ginger beer (quite… unique) & other wonderful Irish delicacies… And to finish the night off, we played an interesting game of Viking (Joel’s take on the game Mafia), where everyone ganged up on me & killed me off… TWO games in a row! As I said then, and I still stand by this statement, that there weren’t any women Vikings, so how could I be one?!?! But, alas, they did not accept my alibi, and I was ousted. I suppose it serves me right… Seeing as that my family is Norwegian, and no telling what cities my ancient relatives have pillaged & burned. Oh well, like great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather, like great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great granddaughter, right? :)