

03.04.09 - Friday

I have a roommate. Well, maybe not really, considering roommates typically live in the same abode as you, and where, this guy, he lives outside my front door. You see, this little guy did have a short stint inside my apartment, but I couldn’t have that, so I caught him & threw him 20 feet outside my door. (1. I didn’t want to kill the poor thing & B. Roaches are big & killing it would mean smashing it, and that would involve a lot of sound effects, and I just couldn’t deal with that…)

Now, this little dude then managed to lay there for the next 4 days (in the exact same spot), where he then proceeded to magically make his way back to my front door. I mean, I know I’m cool, but come on, take a hint buddy.

black blob = roach friend

So, he’s been here for about a month. I’m thinking of charging him rent.

I've named him Hal, after the cockroach in Wall-E. Not after the evil computer in 2001: A Space Odyssey. That would be awkward.

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